Harbinger Group Inc.
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SEC Filings

HRG GROUP, INC. filed this Form 10-K on 11/23/2016
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Asset-based Loans
Allowance for Credit Losses
The Company’s asset-based loans at September 30, 2016 and 2015 of $35.0 and $226.7, respectively, are reflected in “Other assets” in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets. Originated asset-based loans that are intended to be held in the Company’s portfolio are stated at the principal amount outstanding, adjusted for an allowance for credit losses. The delinquency status is based upon the contractual terms of the loans. At September 30, 2016, the Company had delinquent loans with a net carrying value of $30.1.
The allowance for credit losses represents the Company’s estimate of probable losses inherent in its lending activities and is initially established upon origination of a loan. The allowance for credit losses does not include amounts related to accrued interest receivable, as accrued interest receivable is reversed when a loan is placed on nonaccrual status. The adequacy of the allowance for credit losses on a combined loan basis is being constantly evaluated. The Company will charge loans off against its allowance for credit losses when it becomes evident that the Company will not fully collect the balance of the loan. The provision for credit losses related to the loan portfolio is charged toImpairments and bad debt expense” in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Operations.
Included in the allowance for credit losses are reserves that are maintained to cover uncertainties that affect the Company’s estimate of probable losses, including domestic and global economic uncertainty and large single name defaults. This collective allowance for credit losses is calculated using loss rates delineated by risk rating and loan type. Factors considered when assessing loss rates include the value of the underlying collateral, if applicable, the industry of the obligor, and the obligor’s liquidity and other financial indicators along with certain qualitative factors. If necessary, a specific allowance is also established for loans if they are deemed to be individually impaired. A loan is considered impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that Company will be unable to collect all amounts due, including principal and/or interest, according to the contractual terms of the agreement. Once a loan has been identified as potentially impaired, management measures impairment based on the present value of payments expected to be received, discounted at the loans’ original effective contractual interest rates, or discounted at the portfolio average contractual annual percentage rate. Impaired loans may also be measured based on observable market prices, or for loans that are solely dependent on the collateral for repayment, the estimated fair value of the collateral less estimated costs to sell. If the recorded investment in impaired loans exceeds this amount, a specific allowance is established as a component of the allowance for loan losses.
Credit Quality Indicators
The Company monitors credit quality as indicated by various factors and utilizes such information in its evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses. The Company is a non-bank asset-based lender, who uses a bank-compatible risk rating scale as a guide as to the relative risk of the loan. This scale places primary reliance on a loan’s cash-flow as a source of repayment, as compared to Company’s primary reliance on the sale or liquidation of collateral. The Company’s accounting and credit teams review all substandard loans for any potential impairment on a quarterly basis.
The likelihood of collectibility in accordance with the contractual terms of a loan is, in large part, dependent upon the assessed level of risk associated with the specific loan. Borrowers provide the Company with financial information, in accordance with the loan agreement. Additionally, the Company performs further credit due diligence, such as conducting site visits to the borrowers, as well as obtaining collateral appraisals as a measure of safeguard against decline in loans’ collateral values. The Company internally risk rates loans based on individual criteria on at least a quarterly basis. The internal rating that is assigned to a loan provides a view as to the relative risk of each loan. The Company employs an internal risk rating scale to establish a view of the credit quality of each loan. This scale is based on the credit classifications of assets as prescribed by industry standards for the banking industry. The internal risk rating scale is separated into the following groups:
Pass - Loans with standard, acceptable levels of credit risk. The Company scores these loans between 1 and 5;
Special mention - Loans that have potential weaknesses that deserve close attention, and which, if left uncorrected, may result in deterioration of the Company’s credit position at some future date. The Company scores these loans as a 6;
Substandard - Loans that are inadequately protected by the current sound worth and paying capacity of the obligor or of the collateral pledged, if any. Loans so classified must have a well defined weakness or weaknesses and are characterized by the distinct possibility that the Company will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. Although substandard loans in the aggregate may have a distinct potential for loss, an individual loan’s loss potential does not have to be distinct for the asset to be rated substandard. The Company scores these loans as 7; and
Doubtful - Loans that have all the weaknesses inherent in those classified as Substandard with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full improbable based on currently existing facts, conditions, and values. The Company scores these loans as an 8.


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